Personalized Multivitamin Cocktail


The application of our multivitamin treatments is applied in a personalized way, according to the needs of the patient, it can be applied in different ways, a cocktail that includes an individualized treatment of vitamins depending on the dose recommended by our certified medical staff.


  • Improving your Mood and Memory
  • Increases academic performance and concentration
  • Help to overcome the Prolonged Covid
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Among many others

Vitamin C Mega Dose Application, is 25 grams equivalent to 420 oranges🍊Intravenously, by this means higher concentrations are achieved.



Application of Vitamin C Mega Dose

Through an intravenous application

Duration of the application is approximately 30 to 45 minutes.


Application of B+B12 Complex Vitamins

Through an intramuscular application


Application of Vitamin D3

By oral application.

We also offer the therapy known as the Myers Cocktail, which is a popular formula for intravenous vitamin therapy among complementary and alternative medicine providers. The Myers formula consists of high-dose B vitamins, vitamin C, and minerals (magnesium and calcium) mixed with sterile water.