Platelet Rich Fibrin


Skin Rejuvenation

Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, post acne scars, post-surgical scars including those of Breast and Buttock Implants, post traumatic scars, dark circles, bags, helps reduce fibrosis by liposuction, stretch marks, cellulite, spots and increases eyebrow growth

Helps diminish expression Lines

Can be added to Fractional Radiofrequency with Microneedles to tighten skin, faster recovery and increase collagen production

PRF has 10 times more Growth Factors than normal blood. This means that PRF is 3 times more potent/ concentrated than Platelet Rich Plasma.

It can be used preview to the application of facial filler with Hyaluronic Acid to potentiate the effect of the filler by increasing its half-life and increasing collagen production.

It can be used in the Male Genital Area increasing vascularity and collagen production in the Penis to treat erectile dysfunction. Also, on female genital area to increase sensitivity lost by age in the G Spot and Clitoris.