Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX)


Botulinum Toxin is a derivative of a toxin found in a bacteria known to cause flaccid paralysis of the muscle. It is used aesthetically to paralyze the muscles that create the appearance of wrinkles.

By applying this treatment in zones where wrinkles are found, we can eliminate them from being seen and prevent the development of deeper wrinkles or even new ones, reason why it is recommended starting at a young age, as early as 25, so from this age anybody can have the benefit of the toxin

By applying the treatment more frequently the half-life or the duration of function can be prolonged up to some cases 6 months or more.

Alternate applications available:

  • Migraines
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Temporal Mandibular Joint Pain (TMJ)
  • Gummy Smile

Make sure what brand of botulinum toxin you are being applied. Not all toxins are of the same quality. We only apply the top quality available on the market.
