Multivitamin treatments for the Elderly are personalized

Multivitamin treatments for the Elderly are personalized.

The application of our multivitamin treatments for the Elderly is personalized based on the patient's needs. It can be administered in different forms, either as a cocktail that includes the complete treatment or as individualized vitamin doses as recommended by our certified medical staff.

- Improves your mood and memory
- Increases performance and concentration
- Helps overcome Long-COVID
- Strengthens your immune system
- Among many other advantages...

The application of a Mega Dose of Vitamin C is equivalent to 25 grams, which is the same as consuming 420 oranges 🍊. It is administered intravenously, allowing for higher concentrations to be achieved.

**Mega Dose of Vitamin C Application**
*How is it done?*
It is administered through intravenous application.
The application typically takes approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

**Complex B + B12 Vitamin Application**
*How is it done?*
Administered through intramuscular injection.

**Vitamin D3 Application**
*How is it done?*
Administered orally.