Shock Wave Treatment in the Male Reproductive Organ


This treatment is performed by the consultation and does not require prior preparation. The treatment consists of sessions about 20 minutes some cases, admission or anesthesia is not necessary.

Its beneficial effects on erectile dysfunction are based on its antigenic capacity, that is, it favors the formation of vessels. In addition, it also improves the quality of the internal lining of said vessels, the endothelium.

As men advance in age, the small blood vessels that fill the male reproductive organ begin to shrink and weaken.

They can become filled with plaque, comparable to the vascular disease of the heart that causes heart attacks. With less blood flow to the male organ known as the penis, it becomes more difficult to fill the body capsules of the penis during stimulation, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Decreased blood flow can also lead to decreased sensation, impaired orgasm, and increased refractory periods.

Fortunately, contemporary research is increasingly demonstrating the efficacy of Low Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.

The therapy consists of applying shock waves to the shaft of the penis for several sessions to try to improve vascular quality.
In this way, they act on the main cause of erectile dysfunction: vascular problems.

Treatment Benefits:

  • Low intensity shock waves significantly improve erectile function.
  • The hardness of the erection of the male organ
  • Maintaining the erection for a longer time and mutual satisfaction in the relationship.