Facial Radiofrequency


As we get older, maintaining young, smooth and glowing skin is becoming more difficult. The appearance of sagging is one of the first visible signs of a mature complexion whose structure has begun to change. Lack of tone, wrinkles and sagging are linked to a decrease in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, this produces thinner and more fragile skin.

Facial radiofrequency consists of applying high-frequency electromagnetic waves to the face, which reach the deepest layers of the skin. Therefore, it is a treatment that "cleanses" the skin from the inside out, stimulating the production of collagen.

What does the facial radiofrequency?

Radiofrequency is a non-invasive technique focused on the stimulation of collagen production. This is achieved by applying electromagnetic waves that penetrate the layers of the dermis, raising the temperature.

The increase of collagen levels gives tension to the treated area, which translates into a decrease the flaccidity and rejuvenation of the desired area. In addition, it favors the circulation of the skin and the elimination of toxins.

As we said, radio frequency is capable of significantly improving the appearance of our face.

It is completely painless, contrary to other techniques, radiofrequency treatment has a relaxing effect.

The heat effect of the waves and the movements that are carried out on the surface of the skin submerge the patient in a very pleasant state of tranquility.

It can be done at any time of the year: although there are certain treatments, such as peeling, that cannot be carried out in the summer months, radiofrequency can be carried out even in the middle of August since it is not photosensitizing.

However, it is essential to cover the face with cream with high sun protection the days after the session.

What are the results and benefits of facial radiofrequency treatment?

  • Radiofrequency is a progressive treatment whose effect marks a before and after on the face.
  • Improvement of scars and marks produced by acne.
  • Reduce flaccidity thanks to its lifting effect.
  • Conceal expression lines due to increased collagen production.
  • Reduce sebum

How long does the effect of facial radiofrequency last?

The improvement in skin tone is visible from the first month, although the effect is much more noticeable after the fourth. That is, to notice the final effect where the firmness of the face is more than evident, you have to wait a period of time for the fibroblasts to produce new collagen. However, the results of this treatment usually last between 8 months and a year.

In short, if what you are looking for! a safe product , effective and painless treatment to rejuvenate your face!